Sale information
CLASSICAL SALE live indoors (furniture, paintings, objets d'art, silverware, glassware, Asian art, solex, controllers)
EXHIBITION: Wednesday 16 December 2020 at 19 avenue Robert Schumann, 93330 Neuilly-sur-Marne from 10am to noon then from 2pm to 5pm.WARNING: ALL BATCHES WILL BE RECEIVED AT NEUILLY-SUR-MARNE.
The study will close from December 18th in the evening to January 4th.
We don't send out any mailings ourselves. We can advise you private carriers.
Hours: 9 am to 12 am and 2 pm to 5 pm
The storage service is payable from the 5th working day after the sale.
Storage fee per lot including tax: 1 € / 4 € / 8 € / 12 € / 15 € depending on the nature of the lot.
Are considered small lots at 4 € per day: paintings measuring less than 1.5 x 1.5 m, light and small size lots.
Are considered large batches at 12 € per day: large and heavy batches.
Are considered large batches at 15 € per day: large batches or batches composed of several batches.
We leave two extra days free for provincial and foreign buyers.